Plastic Rice vs. Real Rice: Watch Here How to Identify

Rice is a staple food for millions of people around the world, but recent reports of fake plastic rice have raised concerns. Plastic rice, as the name suggests, is not real and can be harmful if consumed. Knowing how to identify real rice from plastic rice is crucial for your health and safety. Here’s a simple guide to help you distinguish between the two.

Why the Concern?
Plastic rice looks very similar to real rice but is made from synthetic materials that can pose serious health risks. Consuming plastic rice can lead to digestive issues and long-term health problems. Fortunately, there are several ways to identify fake rice before it ends up on your plate.

Visual Inspection
1. Shape and Size:

Real rice grains are not uniform in size and shape. If you notice that all the grains are identical, it might be a sign of plastic rice.

2. Color:

Real rice is usually white but can have slight variations in color. Plastic rice may have a more consistent, bright white appearance.

Water Test
1. Floating Test:

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