Browned Butter Roasted Potatoes with Parmesan

5. Prepare the Browned Butter: While your potatoes are roasting away, it’s time to make the magic happen with the browned butter. In a small pot or skillet over medium heat, melt your unsalted butter. Keep stirring and swirling the pan now and then to make sure it cooks evenly and doesn’t splatter.
6. Browned Butter Magic: Watch as the butter starts to foam and change color from yellow to tan to a beautiful golden brown. Once you catch a whiff of that nutty aroma, take the pan off the heat. Give it a gentle stir with a wooden spoon to lift any browned bits from the bottom, then drizzle that glorious browned butter all over your roasted potatoes.
7. Serve and Enjoy: Sprinkle some extra salt and pepper on top if you like, and don’t forget to add a sprinkle of fresh parsley for a pop of color and flavor. Then, dive in and enjoy those delicious, crispy, buttery potatoes!

Continued on the next page



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